Meditation ~ Sunday 8/7/22he meditation for Sunday 8/7 was inspired by the Yoga Sutras 1.34 – 1.39. Every first Thursday of the month, from 7:35pm – 9pm, a talk on the Yoga Sutras is held at the Sama Studio in Arabi. They have a group discussion along with food and tea. A few of us went, after the Thursday meditation in City Park of course, lol, held every Thursday at 6pm. As shared at the Sama meeting, this section of the Sutras focuses on steps to have a Serene Mind, leading to a Stable Mind, leading to a Mind that can Concentrate, leading to prolonged Concentration, leading to Samadhi. Samadhi is interpreted in several ways in different traditions. Here are a few translations: a state of pure consciousness, a state of meditative consciousness, a state of union with the Divine, a state of pure concentration or single-pointedness of the mind. In Sunday’s meditation we utilized a few techniques to implement the yoga sutras. The list of sutras are below. An important key is noticing the “Or” before each interpretation. This represents that one sutra or another may assist. There are options to use different ones at different times or in a variety of ways. After the sutras is a list of how we utilized them at the meditation.
Dharma Club at Sama Studio on 8/4/22 Yoga Sutras 1.34 – 1.39: Practices to Increase Concentration 1.34 Or that calm is retained by the controlled exhalation or retention of the breath (pranayama) 1.35 Or the concentration on subtle sense perceptions can cause steadiness of mind 1.36 Or by concentrating on the supreme, ever-blissful Light within (Higher Self) (The Light within can also be in the form of a Lotus Flower within the center of the heart or chest) 1.37 Or by concentrating on a great soul’s mind (or heart) which is totally freed from attachment to sense objects (teachers, saints, sages) 1.38 Or by concentrating on an elevating experience had during dream or deep sleep 1.39 Or by meditating on anything one choose that is elevating. ~ Sunday Meditation at the Tree of Life on 8/7/22 For Sutra 1.34 we did a simple meditative breathing technique of counting the breath. You can use the technique of Equal Breathing, count the inhale for 4 sec and exhale for 4 sec. The count may vary as long as the length of the inhale is equal of the exhale. For Sutra 1.35 we did a chakra meditation, called the Chakra Dhyana. There’s a YouTube video linked here. YouTube video. This is the best version I've found thus far online. Primarily it is a series of focusing on the different chakras (energy centers) within the body. You're welcome to visualize a color for each center and the person in the video with chant a mantra/sound for each location. You're also welcome to simply focus on a specific chakra and envision and feel yourself breathing air or prana into that chakra/energy center. For Sutra 1.36 we envisioned and meditated on a ball of energy or light within the center of the chest For Sutra 1.39 we envisioned or imagined ourselves within a calming place, space, or scenery. When doing so notice the breath, the senses, and feelings the arise from the image. Here's a cool site I found with more info on the yoga sutras and tons more wealth of sharing and insights. If you have any questions, feel open to send a message on the contact page. Also feel open to look at our schedule and join in any of the meetings. Much Grace!
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January 2024